The Raw Carrot
Community. That is a word that comes to me frequently when I think of my home here in Paris Ontario. It comes to me every time I type out the hashtag “#lovewhereyoulive” for it is one of the reasons I do in fact, love where I live. So what is a community? The Oxford dictionary will tell you, “it is a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.” Here in Paris Ontario, it is much more than that. It is a big little town, one where you recognize and greet people you meet while going about your day-to-day activities. It is one where people care about each other and help each other.
It is really something to be a part of this community, I like many others live and breathe it. I take my job seriously because I am helping people buy and sell into this community on a daily basis, people I will see about the town. I do and always will hold my head up high here, I am a part of this community we call Paris Ontario. I am however just a small part, there are so many pieces to this fantastic puzzle that make it work so well. I like to think it was more than just a pretty set of buildings along the water that the writer from Macleans Magazine saw and declared Paris to be “The Prettiest Little Town in Canada.” I like to think he or she encountered the people, and felt a sense of what makes our town a community.
Some of the strongest parts of our community are behind the scenes. Most of the people coming to Paris Ontario to travel the Grand River or take selfies on the bridge probably did not know about the Raw Carrot. No need to google it, read on!
The Raw Carrot is exactly the kind of business that blossoms from a community like Paris Ontario, one that is nurtured by people that are inspired to give back, to help others. It can be pretty contagious. The thing about our community and any community for that matter is that not everyone is equally fortunate.
The Raw Carrot hires people through the Ontario Disabilities Support Program. These people are members of our community with various disabilities that would make them unlikely to find work in the traditional workforce. The workers are trained in the kitchen to make soups which are sold in local grocery stores and can be purchased directly from the Raw Carrot as well. When possible the Raw Carrot purchases ingredients from local farmers. I was fortunate to experience a day with the Raw Carrot to learn more about what they do. Please take a moment to view the video below and learn more about this amazing company. The next time you are picking up some soup, consider one of the delicious soups made right here in our little town of Paris Ontario.
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How much is my home worth? That is probably the most common quesiton we get asked. Now, you can fill out a simple form right here on our site and get the answer! Non invasive and private. Click to get started!
Can one bowl of soup help change the world?
The Raw Carrot is a social franchise that believes that every person who WANTS to work should have the opportunity for a Hand Up (instead of just a handout) in life! We partner with churches and nonprofits across Ontario to create meaningful employment for amazingly talented individuals living with disabilities and mental health illnesses.
We’re “stirring up” change in local communities through our delicious, handcrafted gourmet soup.
Peeling for change
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(519) 717-5478