Bishop Family Bees
Kari is not someone you forget after meeting her and you will be lucky for it. Some people just simply embody goodness, they inspire you want to be a better person. Kari Ramer Bishop is most definately one of those people.
Nestled along the banks of the Grand River in Paris Ontario is where you will often find Kari tending to her bees. At the time of this writing ( and video below ) Kari had 11 hives. You can find Kari’s honey around town in various shops but her preference is having people come to her door and ask for honey! How much more community orientated can you get. Below you will find a breathtaking video documentary we did on Kari in her bee yard. Stunning photography and Kari’s story are sure to have you at her doorstep soon. Enjoy.
The Honey Lady
“This is home, I have lived all over the world and this is home. The good Paris.”
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